The east wing of the house is now silent and relieved of any responsibility as it lies in a crumpled heap in the dumpster. Yesterday its life lines of wires & pipes dangled from the jaws of the (?) back hoe as it was disassembled piece by piece, rib by rib, & beam by beam. We have a pile of large beams & huge sandstone lying on the edge of the lawn and now the ground from the digging. Everything went well yesterday. Today they started digging and severed the septic line. I had not counted on being the one to use the Porta John! They say they will resolve things by the end of the day for the weekend. Let’s hope so!
The structure is down & they are working on removing the large sandstone from the foundation; some of the stone are really humongous! We set aside some of the large beams (about 8” square and quite long) and are saving the stone. Some of the stone will be used for the retaining wall along one side at the back. Hopefully, we can save part of a beam for the fireplace mantel. I also had them save the porch posts and hope to use them as garden sculpture somewhere in my flower beds…
The "outdoor facility" in its Puerto Rican toilet blue was delivered this morning at 7 am. I expect the dumpster to be delivered and a plumber to come by to cap the water line that once went to the kitchen. Yesterday they terminated all the electric lines that had serviced the family room & kitchen. My agenda today includes transplanting the remaining hostas & bulbs from the area that will probably be infringed on with equipment, workers, and ground from the digging. I'm also trying to envision where all the foundation sandstone will be deposited..... Tomorrow at 7 the action starts for real.
As of last week we made the move to our "summer kitchen" in the garagewhere we will live while the renovation is in process. Actually it is nottoo bad; the main inconvenience is not having an easily accessible watersource. We need to trek to the laundry to do dishes, etc. The crockpot & electric skillet will be my trusty tools for easy one dish meals most of thetime. This next photo was taken Friday after the workmen began to diassemble the family room & kitchen. They stacked the slate taken from the roof & took out the windows. Jim & James also removed the paneling (Jim is planning torecycle that to the barn.) Demolition is scheduled for Thursday this week.