We did have a white Christmas this year, about a 2 to 3” snow cover. The temp at noon was about 26 degrees, giving us a festive atmosphere. Kristin and I (Evelyn) did the roast. The fire was hot, we left it in a bit too long and did not keep an eye on it closely at the end- so we did have a roast that was a bit overdone and a bit charred on the bottom. However, we roasted a loin roast separately for Janelle without the seasonings and it turned out perfectly. We put that one on the coals a later, wrapped in several layers of aluminum foil.
Roast Leg of Lamb
Make slits in several places on roast and tuck thin slices of garlic into the slits. Rub with S & P and rosemary
Place in heavy Dutch Oven and place Dutch Oven on bed of hot charcoals in outdoor grill. Place a few ashy charcoals on lid of Dutch Oven. Allow to cook for 1 hour, then check. Cook approximately 20
minutes per pound, until temp reaches 160 degrees. 4# roast should take about 1 1⁄2 hour, watch closely so it does not char.
The rest of our menu:
Spinach Salad with Hot Brown Butter Dressing
Grilled Red Cabbage Slices with Mustard Vinaigrette
Mashed Potatoes with Gravy
Cast Iron Maple Pear Pie

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us!