the clematis and johnny-jump ups-- glory at the foot of the locust tree

the bleeding hearts

the late-blooming rhododendron

the ferns

even the pine trees are blooming

the japanese barberry

salvia and purple irises

perennial asters

the berries on the holly bush by the front side porch

In amidst all of the flowers, several of our plants have special memories of friends and family
The hostas in their new home. The one in the center is Grandma White's August Lily. Other fun names are the Robert Frost hosta to the left and the Francis Williams hosta to the right.

Grandma White's peony usually blooms for memorial day. We didn't think it would this year, but voila

The mountain laurel shrub purchased at Espenshade's last year is getting ready for its first bloom

Cuttings/starters from a boxwood..trying out Aunt Nora's technique of growing cuttings. Hopefully it will work as well for us.

Lucy's purple and white irises.

the Dwarf Alberta spruce surrounded by pachysandra